** Free 15 min consultation, without obligation **
When your family is feeling disconnected, I can support you to connect again, resolving issues together and strengthening relationships.
This is aimed at any family make-up, where children/young people need to strengthen relationships with family members. Depending on; the age of the child, the dynamics in the family and who is willing to be involved, I can tailor sessions to suit your needs. I can work online or hire rooms in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
Through 19 years’ mediation experience, and being a mother of two, I firmly believe the basis of strong relationships rests with effective communication. Everyone has different perspectives and styles of communicating. We are not always the best at listening or sending the most useful messages to each other, causing people to become stuck when difficult situations arise. Open communication often stops, leading to a whole host of issues.
As an impartial person, who won’t judge or take sides but support you all, I can help you to have those difficult conversations. These can otherwise be left, leading to the only exchange between parents and children feeling negative, critical and hurtful.
Supporting families to take a step back, explore how they communicate, can make a difference to understanding different points of view and preventing misunderstandings. More importantly, families engaging in this style of work, find they learn to cope and deal with problems more effectively.
I draw on my different skills and experience to fit any situation. I have worked with neurodiversity, challenging behaviour, mental health issues and loss. No matter what the presenting topics are, helping you to understand each other will give you the chance to consider change and move forward.

“Family is a life jacket in the stormy sea of life.”
But what if the life jacket is not inflating?